I am a sole practitioner based in Islington North London. Canonbury Chambers is located with convenient access to the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, to the Chancery Division of the High Court in the Rolls Building in Fetter Lane, to the Principal Registry of the Family Division in High Holborn, and to Taylor House in Rosebery Avenue.

I specialise in Family Law (Divorce, Private law children, International family law), Arbitration, Civil litigation. Due to my experience writing the Weekly Law Reports and Times Law Reports I am able to apply myself to other areas of law, and relish researching novel areas of law. I will however always undertake work in accordance with my competence and the Code of conduct of the Bar. For further information click on the buttons above. To return to home page click on Canonbury chambers title at the top the page.

I completed pupillages in London and Birmingham. Having previously practised in chambers in Birmingham I am well acquainted with the Midlands and continue to practice throughout the Midlands and in the North of England.

I was called as a Barrister in England and Wales in 1996. I am a Member of Honourable Society of the Middle Temple. I am regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB). Please click here for the BSB’s Barristers’ Register which gives you information on the barristers who have a current practising certificate, and whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings.

I have professional indemnity insurance cover (I am insured with the bar mutual indemnity fund).

I am registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Following pupillage, I spent 3½ years as a law reporter with the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting, at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Court of Appeal and in the High Court. My time as an Official Law Reporter not only included editing the Law Reports, but also included the noting of ex tempore judgments for use in The Times Law Reports. The skills gained as a law reporter in research, following complex and novel legal argument in unfamiliar areas of law, attention to detail, proof reading, and working to tight deadlines, were invaluable when entering private practice.

I entered private practice in 2001. Initially I undertook a range of work, including Criminal Law, Family Law (Children and Finance), Civil Litigation, Human Rights Law and Immigration Law work. Having become a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) on International Commercial Arbitration, and the Franco-British Lawyers' Society, I am further diversifying my skills in the field of International Commercial Arbitration.

I am an accredited mediator registered with the Civil Mediation Council in Civil and Commercial mediation.

I accept instructions from solicitors, and I am qualified and accredited under the Direct Access Scheme to take instructions for work directly from the public. Click on the Direct Access link below to go to the Direct access page of this website, and the second link to download the Bar standard Board's guidance

Canonbury Chambers Direct access page



King Edward VI Camp Hill Grammar for School for Girls, Birmingham

B.A. (Hons) (Law and Criminology), Keele University

Inns of Court School of Law Bar Vocational Course

Professional Memberships

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators: Member (MCIArb) International Commercial Arbitration www.ciarb.org

I serve as a branch Committee member on the CIArb London branch https://londonarbitrators.org/

Family Law Bar Association http://www.flba.co.uk/

Franco-British Lawyers’ Society https://ajfb-fbls.org/

The society of Mediators https://www.societyofmediators.com/

The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple https://www.middletemple.org.uk/

The International Bar Association https://www.ibanet.org/

The Institute of Art and Law https://ial.uk.com/



Understanding of Mauritian Creole

37 Clare Lane, Islington, London N1 3DB

